
Insights from 40 years of life

Turning 40 felt like a milestone worth celebrating with reflection. I had planned to write a post on my 40th birthday, sharing 40 lessons I had learned in my 40 years of life. But, as life often does, it got in the way, and the article remained unwritten. Fast forward three years, and as 2025 began, I resolved to finally complete it but instead of 40 lessons I thought to write the biggest and most profound lessons I have learnt along the way. With my 43rd birthday quickly approaching on January 25th, it feels like the perfect time to pause, reflect, and share the lessons that have shaped me over the years.

Setting the Intention Right

The energy behind your intentions is a powerful force that shapes not only your actions but also how others perceive and respond to you. Intention isn’t just a thought or plan, it carries a vibration that aligns with your true self. When your intentions are pure and aligned with your beliefs, they create an authentic energy that others can sense, even without words. This authenticity becomes the foundation for trust, connection, and meaningful action.

We are interconnected

I’ve come to realize that I am not a separate entity existing in isolation. I am part of an intricate web of life, deeply connected to the world around me. The air I breathe, the water I drink, and the food I consume are all part of an ongoing exchange with nature, an unbroken cycle that sustains me and everything else on this planet.

This understanding has shifted my perspective in profound ways. It reminds me to live with gratitude, appreciating the countless unseen forces that support my existence. From the sun that nourishes the earth to the ecosystems that provide what I need to survive, I am constantly in awe of how interconnected everything truly is.Recognizing this interconnectedness also brings a sense of responsibility. I’ve become more mindful of my actions, knowing that they ripple through the universe in ways I may never fully see or understand. Whether it’s the choices I make about what I consume, how I treat others, or how I care for the environment, I am aware that my life is inextricably linked to a greater whole.

Embrace ordinary moments of life

Life doesn’t just happen in the big, extraordinary moments. It unfolds in the quiet, ordinary experiences that often pass by unnoticed. These are the moments I used to overlook in my constant pursuit of the next big adventure, the next milestone, or the next thrill. For so long, I chased excitement, always looking ahead, while my mind resisted the idea of being still or simply embracing a moment of doing nothing.

But now I see that the true beauty of life resides in those small, unremarkable moments, a shared smile, the sound of rain, or the peaceful stillness of a morning cup of coffee. It’s in these simple experiences that life quietly reveals itself in its fullest and most authentic form. I’ve also learned to make room for the uncertainties, worries, and even boredom that come with life. These aren’t distractions to escape from. They’re an inevitable part of the human experience. Learning to sit with them, rather than push them away, has helped me to see that they, too, have a place in shaping who I am.

Don’t loose the child in you

Balancing the demands of both professional and personal life often feels overwhelming, as we constantly strive to meet expectations, fulfill responsibilities, and manage our time effectively. In the midst of this relentless juggling act, we tend to lose sight of the essence of life and its beauty, simplicity, and deeper meaning.

Life, at its core, is not just about accomplishments or ticking items off a to-do list. It is about being present, exploring the unknown, and appreciating the moments that bring joy and wonder. The natural curiosity we have as humans, the desire to ask questions, seek answers, and understand the world around us has the power to reignite our connection to life’s deeper truths. Similarly, finding pleasure in the simple things a heartfelt conversation, the warmth of sunlight on our skin, or the sound of laughter grounds us and reminds us of what truly matters.

The Power of Atomic Habits

I have found the beauty of atomic habits lies in their quiet but profound ability to transform life over time. They’re like drops of water that, with consistency, can carve through stone. Each habit may seem trivial or insignificant in the moment, but their true power comes from sticking with them and building on them. Small, repeated actions accumulate and lead to significant changes in my personal growth, productivity, health, and emotional well-being.

What makes these small habits especially powerful for me is how they save time and reduce stress. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by massive tasks or rushing to finish something at the last minute, breaking the work into smaller steps makes everything more manageable. Cleaning a room, for example, feels far less daunting when I tackle it in 15-minute increments over a few days rather than all at once. These small, consistent actions have made my life feel smoother and less stressful.

The Mind- A Gateway to Transformation

Mind is one of the most powerful tools we possess. The conscious mind sets the direction and defines goals, while the subconscious mind drives the actions needed to bring them to life. When you take the time to understand and harness both there is a sense of limitless potential within, a potential for growth and transformation that I may have overlooked before.

The way conscious and subconscious minds work together amazes me. It’s like a partnership, where one dreams and plans while the other quietly works behind the scenes to make those dreams a reality. This synergy reminds me that the possibilities within me are vast, just waiting to be tapped into and explored. It’s a humbling and empowering realization, one that inspires me to keep learning, growing, and reaching for more.

Pause and Asking “Why?”

One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned is the importance of pausing before reacting. In that pause, I ask myself, “Why am I feeling this way?” This simple question helps me delve deeper into my emotions, uncovering hidden thoughts, fears, or unmet needs. Instead of projecting blame or reacting impulsively, I’ve learned to take responsibility for my feelings, fostering understanding and growth. More often than not, the answers lie within, revealing triggers, expectations, or past experiences that shape my reactions.

Power of now

Life often traps us in a cycle of dwelling on past regrets and worrying about future uncertainties. This mental tug-of-war keeps us from fully experiencing the one thing we truly possess, the present moment. The present is where life happens. It’s where we feel, connect, and grow. Yet, understanding this truth and living it are two very different things .It took me countless attempts to grasp this concept of living in the present, and even now, I find myself struggling to embrace it fully. Old habits of overthinking and emotional attachments to past and future tend to creep back in. However, what has changed for me is awareness. I’ve begun to notice when my mind wanders, when it pulls me into the shadows of the past or the uncertainty of the future.

Each of these lessons has come through moments of reflection, challenges, and growth. They remind me to live intentionally, embrace connection, and continuously evolve. As I carry these insights forward, I’m reminded that life is less about perfection and more about the journey, one small habit, one intentional moment, and one heartfelt connection at a time. Learning is a lifelong journey, and I truly believe that I am not the same person I was yesterday. Each day brings new experiences, lessons, and perspectives that shape who I am and how I see the world.

Mistakes are an essential part of growth. Never lose hope!

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