It goes without saying that we all are unique. We are aware of the distinctiveness we hold from each other. Despite the fact we tend to despise these differences. I’am no professional to give any professional opinions on these matters. No one of us free from little glitches in our thinking or systematic errors in our cognitive thinking. From the time we start taking our first breaths we tend to fall for these errors or biases. Being aware of it gives some clarity to the thinking and the decision making process.
We often think we know what goes in our mind and how we feel.Our subjective realities or experiences becomes the absolute truth. We most of the time lack the wisdom to see things from an objective perspective due to strongly held beliefs which doesn’t necessarily have to be the truth.Did it ever occur to you the substantial pressure it puts on us from social media?How much of our belief system are beinng affected by the continuous frenzies of media hype? What ever is readily available in the mind is easily being processed and believed. The more some informations are available the easily you believed it since its a little bit of work for the subconscious mind to be present unlike the conscious mind.
Understanding the biases and how it works enhance the chances of acquiring the causes and solutions despite its inevitable to be free from it.Sometimes we are so consumed with a thought we fails to notice what is right infront of us. This happens more often than not. Businesses take good advantages of these weakness we have into marketing the products and services. How many times have you been attracted and compelled to buy from sales which you otherwise wouldn’t spend your money on? Instant gratification is hard to resist when your favourite shoes or bag is on sale but you have more urgent needs to be fulfilled.
Conflicts and disputes are unavoidable in any relationship. knowing the errors you encounter while dealing with dire situations prevents you from lot of hassles. Knowing where the other person is coming from makes you look at the problem in a different light. You conveniently empathizes with the other person. We give more attention to being right or proving ourselves than solving the actual problem causing more damage than we intend.
During these testing times stress and anxiety gets the best of us. Sleeping habits and every day routine has changed interfering how we have been functioning.Uncertainty kills the delights of hope we have for tomorrow.Difference of opinion arises when we least expect it but is it worth to hold on to grudges and compromises what we cherish?Respect everyone for their uniquness and lets not forget its the beauty of this life.